Nowa Cloudcast vol 19 – “Special Dubplates” Cut and selected by Herb-a-lize it

Special duplates selection by Dutch Number One Champion Sound.

Herb-A-Lize It was born in east-Holland in the city of Enschede (En-ska-day).
It all started after Stef visited the Reggae/Dancehall epi-center, Jamaica-Jamaica back in 1995 and tasted the true essence of this musical culture, which we have grown to love so much.He returned to Holland with a head full of ideas and a burning desire to get Herb-A-Lize It up and running. Sultan, a long time friend and a local DJ on the scene in En-ska-day at the time, joined the sound in 1998, bringing his charismatic, never give up, take no prisoners mentality to the Sound. This was the start of Herb-A-Lize It Assault on the Dutch Reggae/Dancehall scene.

